Get Started Now
"They have been a blessing to my company."
James Tolliver
Pro Electric
"This company has done a great job for our company. I'm glad Sheryl contacted me about it, & Kristen has been doing an outstanding job setting everything up, & servicing the account. Looking forward to a long term relationship."
Larry Holler
L&R Electricians
Buying Leads from the Big Lead Companies
- Electrical leads are sold to you and your competitors
- You pay for leads even if they are unqualified
- The contact information is often wrong
- The leads are price shopping
- You may be contacting for services you don't offer
- Managing incoming leads takes you away from managing your business
Generating Your Own Prospects
- Establish yourself as the best in your local market
- Target your ideal customers when they search online
- Get More profitable jobs
- Cut out the middleman
- Customers contact you directly
- You can focus on your running your business not chasing unqualified leads
- No long term contracts